Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The One Whom I Believed

If you could create a paradise called world, out of nothing
A person, a masterpiece from the dust and mere breath
If you can turn water into wine,
If you can feed thousands with five loaves of bread and two fish
Then I believe, nothing is impossible if you will it.

If you can break open the sea and have human walk on land
If you can walk on water and calm the storm
If you can make fire out of a cistern full of water
If you can give sight to the blind and make lame walk
Then I believe, nothing is impossible if you will it.

Nothing is impossible if you will it 
For You are the Word, the beginning and the end
When you created me, when you breathed on me
When you say, you will prepare for a place for me
Everything happened it is your will that I am here.

I believe, for you are the Word made flesh
Flesh like me in everything except sin
You  prepare the way for my return
A prodigal child to His Father
By embracing death for my sake

You are the great I Am
The beginning, the end
The God  of Love
A lover fastened on the Cross
The cross that belongs to me

Who ransomed me from death?
Who promised me life?
Who died on my place that I may have life?
He is the one called the great lover of souls
He, The One Whom I believed.


  1. "I believe, nothing is impossible if You will it."

    This is a very powerful prayer of trust in the Lord ~ filled with awe and faith that the Lord could make all things possible. AND He already did.

    This made me realize 'why' you were so persistent in believing that one day we would meet in Heaven... I claim this and I believe that the Lord, in His great love for us, can and will accomplish things...

    Lots of love Daniel and thank you for sharing this+

  2. Life is beautiful. I believe it :D
    But I think life only becomes beautiful when there is the ingredient of love, for love is awesome!
    It is from love that came about the "us"... We were created out of God's love. That is why even death cannot conquer the power of Love Himself. And as the song says " and I know when love is true, it all ends with YOU"- Jesus ! You're welcome.
